How to Prevent Storm Damage through Professional Tree Cabling and Bracing

Trees can handle almost anything Mother Nature can dish out. But eventually, even the most obstinate trees require some help. When severe weather comes, weak trees increase the danger of damage and injury to neighboring property and people. 

The experts at Urban Jacks Tree Service, the leading tree cabling and bracing company in Garland County, have outlined the following benefits of cabling and bracing a tree.

1. To heal storm injuries

Trees that storms have damaged can benefit from cabling and bracing. For instance, brace rods and cables can be used to hold the injured tree parts together if a crotch or branch has split due to bad weather.

With this, the tree can heal and prevent branch or trunk failure. The cabling can also help prevent the damaged pieces from moving in windy conditions.

2. A V-shaped stem situation 

You have what arborists refer to as a “v-crotch stem” when two enormous leaders or stems emerge from the same trunk. The tree risks losing one or both of its stems because there isn’t enough tissue to support them, especially during harsh weather.

While you can safely cut one of the stems without hurting a young tree, removing a huge stem could be detrimental to mature trees. Also, losing one of your trees’ stems would significantly alter its appearance.

Fortunately, stem failure can be avoided by supporting the v-crotch stem and bracing it to keep it from breaking in the future.

3. Very Bad Lean

Over the course of their existence, trees frequently acquire a natural lean as they adjust to the environment to capture the most sunlight. However, cabling and bracing can soothe your concerns if your tree has a strong lean that has caused it to grow uncomfortably close to your house or another structure.

4. Excessive Limbs

Sometimes, a tree’s limbs expand more than the trunk can support. Older trees may have trouble with overextended limbs when the weather is harsh, or pests, disease, or drought have weakened the trees.

In this situation, cabling can restrict how far a branch is extended. This will reduce the likelihood that the overextended branch will break off.

Get professional cabling and bracing services

Do you think bracing and cabling would be beneficial for your tree? Then Urban Jacks Tree Service can help you do it properly. They have a team of trained and certified arborists equipped to handle various issues and maintain your tree’s health.

Are you ready to get started? Get a free quote immediately by calling Urban Jacks Tree Service at (501) 547-4018.


Urban Jacks Tree Service is your full
service tree care company from
Hot Springs to Malvern, AR.

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5 Sanchez Way,
Hot Springs Village,
AR 71909

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Mon to Sun : 7:00 am - 7:00 pm


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